Help Us Build a New Home for Sylvia and Her Family! image

Help Us Build a New Home for Sylvia and Her Family!

Sylvia needs a new home for her and her family. They are living in harsh conditions.

$14,661 raised

$13,000 goal

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Join us this Giving Tuesday to build a new home for Sylvia and her family in the Dominican Republic!

Sylvia lives in harsh conditions in a tiny 1 bedroom house with her two grandchildren. Her house floods whenever it rains and termites are eating its rotting wood.
A group of volunteers will change that!! They will travel to the Dominican Republic to help build a house for Sylvia. However, we first need your help to cover the cost of the building materials. Be part of the solution this giving season by donating $5, $50, $500, we don't care how much we're just grateful for your generosity and seeing the needs of our brothers and sisters.
We bring hope to refugees, orphans, and other vulnerable populations.